Kid’s Street Style – Fashionable Boy

Children are the ideal focus for street style blog posts because they are so natural, they wear what they like without much worry about what anyone else thinks. They use their style as a way to express themselves, rather than fit in with the trends like most adults try to do. Kids can dress without rules or worrying about what is “in style” at the time. They can get away with so much more when it comes to fashion!

This week we are featuring 2 looks worn by the stylish little boy, Peyton. 
Here he is wearing his carhart pull over , his vans with flames and a good ole set of bibs from Oshkosh. His sister, Bonita, is trying to give him loves.
Sporting a shirt his mom made him, dark jeans and his vans shoes.
Do you have a little fashionista or stylin’ boy? Submit their photo for a chance to be featured on our blog. Email all submissions to Please include details about where you found the items that they are wearing in the photo. They do not need to be wearing Taylor Joelle, but they can be.

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